Bridgestone Intermediate School

Bridgestone Intermediate School
1700 S. Council Rd. OKC, OK 73128

Monday, December 5, 2016

2nd Quarter Benchmarks

Monday, Dec. 12: Reading
Tuesday, Dec. 13:  Math
Wednesday, Dec. 14:  Science
Thursday, Dec. 15:  Social Studies
Friday, Dec. 16:  Make-up day

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Veteran’s Day Assembly

This Friday, November 11, we will have two Veteran’s Day Assemblies:

6th Grade 1:25-1:55
5th Grade 2:05-2:33

We wish to extend a special invitation to the veterans or active service members who are family members, friends, or neighbors of our students.  Parents are also welcome to attend.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Parent Portal

We will be handing out parent portal logins during parent-teacher conferences.  If you are unable to attend the conferences, please see our website for information regarding how to retrieve your password.

Student Survey

Student Survey

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday,  Nov. 3rd 4:30-7:30
Friday, Nov. 4th 8:00-12:00

Teachers will contact parents to schedule PTCs on or before these dates.   Our goal is to meet with 100% of our parents to discuss progress!!! See You Soon!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Red Ribbon Week Dress Up

Monday:  Don’t be caught sleeping, say no to drugs:  wear PJs

Tuesday:  Too smart to start: dress like a nerd

Wednesday:  Fly away from drugs:  dress like a superhero

Thursday:  Throw away drugs:  dress in your favorite decade

Friday:  Life is beautiful without drugs:  dress nice (school pictures)

Red Ribbon Week Starts Monday

Monday is PJ Day Schoolwide!!! Be sure to rock out your favorite school appropriate PJ's!!!! Your kids will be learning about staying drug free and being healthy all week long!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday,  Nov. 3rd 4:30-7:30
Friday, Nov. 4th 8:00-12:00
Teachers will contact parents to schedule PTCs on or before these dates.   Our goal is to meet with 100% of our parents to discuss progress.


Tuesday - Reading
Wednesday - Math
Thursday - Science & Social Studies
Friday - Make ups

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Intermural Basketball Parent Meeting

Intermural Basketball Parent Meeting
October 11 at 6:00pm
Bridgestone Cafeteria

Eligibility Policy for Bridgestone Students

Eligibility Policy for Bridgestone Students
(from page 27 in handbook)

Students must exhibit consistent appropriate behavior in the classroom to represent Western Heights and/or their elementary school in outside activities. Activities outside the classroom are defined as extra or co-curricular activities (such as field trips, elementary track meet, class parties, or reward type activities). Students with two or more office referrals in a 9 week period will be ineligible to participate in extra or co-curricular activities for the current 9 week period. Exceptions to this policy will be made if there is an activity in which the entire class or the entire school participates or if a grade is given for participation.

We will start looking at eligibility 2nd 9 weeks for all extra curricular activities!
Ms. Galloway & Ms. Morgan's classes had a great time doing an Egg Drop Challenge last week! Out of 22 drops, 8 eggs survived! Way to go Bridgestone Jets!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Wednesday, Oct. 5th

Early release 1/2 day
Students released at 12:10

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 29th

Come celebrate with us!   On September 29th Bridgestone Intermediate will be celebrating our 5th year as a school by honoring the life of our late school board president and number one supporter, Jann Davenport!  We will dedicate our new pavilion to Jann and her family as well as showcase activities and programs offered to our students at Bridgestone and Western Heights.  The festivities begin with the dedication at 5:30pm.  We will have hot dogs, chips, and refreshments following the dedication.  All WH alumni, past & present Bridgestone students and families, WH patrons and friends are welcome!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Meet the Teacher

Tuesday, August 16, 4:00pm to 7:00pm.
Teachers will present back to school information at 4:30 & 6:00.  You can bring your school supplies and visit with your teachers before & after the presentations.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Just a reminder, enrollment for returning students started today.

Thursday, Aug. 11- (8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.)
Friday, Aug. 12  - (8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (no evening hours))
Monday, Aug. 15 - (8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.)
See the flyer for more information.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

2016/2017 New Start Times!!!

Bridgestone and Middle School
7:40 – 2:40

Elementary – 8:20 – 3:30

High School – 9:05 – 4:05

Friday, July 8, 2016


This year the district has created 1 supply list for all schools.  I apologize that this revision came out so late.  We consolidated the list in an effort to make things easier for parents.  Hope you are enjoying your summer.  These lists are also posted on the website as well.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

FREE SPORTS, ACADEMICS & LIFE SKILLS CAMP (formally PIT Camp) Available for Grades 3rd-8th

June 1-3, 7:30 am-3 pm

Available for Grades 3rd-8th

Free Lunch and Breakfast Provided!!
Sports skills instruction includes hand-eye coordination, speed and agility training, strength & conditioning, nutritional instruction, and individual testing of these concepts.  Staff includes top Division I-II-III & NAIA collegiate football coaches from across the country, along with past OU football players, and past & current NFL players.  Players from experienced athletes to beginner youth will enhance their skills, learning fundamentals geared to their age and skill level.  This program is not a football camp.  It is a great opportunity for kids interested in all sports and leadership.

Go to the Bridgestone Front Office or the Administration Office to submit a form.  Call 350-3410 for more information.

Report Cards

Report cards are available for pick up at Bridgestone between 8:00 & 3:30 Friday,  May 27th, Tuesday, May 31, and Wednesday, June 1st.  Have a great summer!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Upcoming Dates

At the school board meeting on May 9, the Western Heights Board of Education approved a motion making Friday, May 20th, 2016 the last day of school for all Western Heights students.  

Please make note of the following calendar events:

May 10 - Nt’l Elem Honor Society Ceremony/Honor Choir Concert at 6:00pm
May 11 - All library books due
May 12 - 6th Grade MS Tour
May 13 - AR Goals due; 5th Gr Field Trip to Harkins Theater/Myriad Gardens Park; 6th Grade Fishing
May 16 - 5th Grade Art Benchmark; Textbook check-in
May 17 - SS & Math Benchmarks
May 18 - Reading & Science Benchmarks; AR Reward Sno-cone at recess
May 19 - 5th and 6th GATS field trip to the Science Museum
May 20 - 6th Grade Awards Assembly in Gym: 8:30am; 5th Grade Awards Assembly in Gym: 10:00am

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday's Weather

We are monitoring the weather closely today. If weather conditions become “dangerous”, it will be determined by local administration whether to hold students rather than transport or whether to move students and staff into safe rooms and/or secure areas of the building. School sites with students will NOT be open to the public during school day hours.
The Resource Center (corner of Council and SW 44th) will be the only building open to the public when school is in session.
If severe weather threatens, parents may choose to check their students out early from school. Students WILL be listed with an absence for the time missed as required by State law; there will be no penalty, however, from the school. If the sirens go off in our area, we will lock down the buildings and place all students and staff into a safe room. At the point of “tornado lockdown”, no one will be allowed to enter or leave the building and school phones will not be answered because staff will have moved into safe rooms/areas as well.
During the evening, if sirens go off in the area and imminent, dangerous weather prevails, the following sites will be open to the public. John Glenn Elementary, Greenvale Elementary, and the Resource Center. Remember we do NOT allow pets (except designated service animals) even if they are crated, they will not be allowed inside.

Friday, April 22, 2016

No Charging for Lunches after May 1, 2016

There will be no charging after May 1st!
If anyone plans to eat in the cafeteria after May 1st you must have money in your account or pay with cash only. No exceptions. As Always Breakfast is Free to all students.
If you have any questions regarding your account, please feel free to contact the Child Nutrition office at 405-261-6736.
Thank you for eating in your school cafeteria and supporting the Western Heights Public Schools Child Nutrition Department.
Trudy Mercer, Child Nutrition Director

Monday, April 11, 2016

OCCT (state) testing starts Tuesday, April 12!

6th grade will test Reading & Math in the computer lab over the next two weeks.  Check with your child's homeroom teacher or contact the main office to see when your child's homeroom class is scheduled to test.

5th grade Reading, April 12
5th grade Math, April 13
5th grade SS, April 19
5th grade Science,  April 20

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thursday evening 4:00-7:00
Friday morning 8:00-12:00 (no school)
If you haven't already scheduled a time with your child's teachers, please contact the main office at 350-3421 to set up a time.  Thanks!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Report Cards, PTC, & Parent Night

Report cards went home on Wednesday.  Please ask your child about their report cards.  

Teachers are in the process of contacting parents for parent teacher conferences.  If you have not yet had your parent teacher conference with your child's teachers, please contact the office.  

Tonight is our Parent Night from 5:30-7:00.  Our book fair will open at 5:00.  Along with the book fair, we will have hot dogs, a concession stand, bake sale,  craft tables, and math and reading games. 
The 5th & 6th grade homeroom classes with the most parents in attendance will get a popcorn & an extra recess!  Please plan to attend our parent night.  If you have any questions, please call 350-3420.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Parent Title Night on March 31st

You are invited to Bridgestone's spring Parent Title Night on March 31st  from 5:30-7:00.
There will be a book fair, concession stand, bake sale,  craft tables, and math and reading games.
The 5th & 6th grade homeroom classes with the most parents in attendance will get a popcorn & an extra recess!

Monday, March 21, 2016

No School Friday, March 25th

Teachers will be attending Professional Development on Friday, March 25th.  Students will not be in school.

The Oklahoma Caring Van will be at Bridgestone March 22, 2016.

The Oklahoma Caring Van will be at

Bridgestone March 22, 2016.

All students entering 7th grade will have to have proof of a current Tdap immunization.
What is Tdap and what are the diseases that the Tdap vaccine prevents?
Tdap is a booster vaccine for older children, adolescents, and adults. It safely protects against 3 dangerous diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (also called pertussis).
  • Pertussis – also known as whooping cough, is a contagious disease that causes violent coughing fits that make it hard to breathe. It spreads easily when someone with the disease coughs or sneezes. The symptoms can last for months. Whooping cough is particularly dangerous for young babies.
  • Tetanus – causes a severe, painful tightening (spasms) of muscles, including of the jaw (‘lockjaw’), which can limit swallowing and breathing.
  • Diphtheria – is a throat infection that can lead to breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure and death.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Parent Title Night on March 31st

You are invited to Bridgestone's spring Parent Title Night on March 31st  from 5-7:30.
There will be a book fair, concession stand, bake sale,  craft tables, and math and reading games.

If you would like to participate in an art class that evening and take home your very own painting, the cost is $15.00 for 1 ticket and 25 for two and that includes hot dogs and punch. Tickets are on sale now and will be sold until March 11th .

Student of the Month Assembly

We will honor the February Student of the Month Recipients at an Assembly on March 4, 2016 at 2:15.

Read Across America

Wednesday: Crazy Socks Day
Thursday: Crazy Clothes Day
Friday: Crazy Hair Day & Reading Around the Clock

Friday, February 26, 2016

6th Grade Growth & Development Information

Dear Parent/Guardian:

 The Western Heights Public School nurses will be presenting information on Human Growth and Development (puberty) and HIV/AIDS Awareness Education to students in 6th grade at Bridgestone Intermediate Friday, March 11, 2016.  The objectives of this curriculum, resources to be used, and times are listed below.  Please feel free to contact your child’s school if you have any questions regarding this curriculum.    

Growth and Development provides children with an understanding of the normal pattern of physical development as boys and girls grow from childhood into adolescence.
HIV/AIDS Awareness Education provides factual up-to-date information on the forms of the disease, the methods of transmission, and prevention of HIV & AIDS.

Puberty                        Boys – Straight Talk About Puberty for Boys by Marsh Media
                        Girls – Straight Talk About Puberty for Girls by Marsh Media
HIV/AIDS       The Puberty Workshop (Video 5) HIV and AIDS by Human Relations Media

Time Frame:  One Class Period

Parents and Guardians have the option of requesting that their child be exempted from Growth & Development and/or HIV/AIDS education.  If you DO NOT want your child to be included in these discussions, please complete the form brought home to you by your child.

5th Grade Growth & Development Information

 The Western Heights Public School nurses will be presenting information on Human Growth and Development (puberty) and HIV/AIDS Awareness Education to students in 6th grade at Bridgestone Intermediate Friday, March 11, 2016.  The objectives of this curriculum, resources to be used, and times are listed below.  Please feel free to contact your child’s school if you have any questions regarding this curriculum.    

Growth and Development provides children with an understanding of the normal pattern of physical development as boys and girls grow from childhood into adolescence.
HIV/AIDS Awareness Education provides factual up-to-date information on the forms of the disease, the methods of transmission, and prevention of HIV & AIDS.

Puberty                        Boys – Straight Talk About Puberty for Boys by Marsh Media
                        Girls – Straight Talk About Puberty for Girls by Marsh Media
HIV/AIDS       The Puberty Workshop (Video 5) HIV and AIDS by Human Relations Media

Time Frame:  One Class Period

Parents and Guardians have the option of requesting that their child be exempted from Growth & Development and/or HIV/AIDS education.  If you DO NOT want your child to be included in these discussions, please complete the form brought home to you by your child.

March 31st Paint 'n Punch

Thursday, March 31st
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
(Dinner at 5:00; painting 5:20)

WITH YOUR STUDENT and ENJOY THE BOOKFAIR, Bake Sale, & Concession Stand

1 TICKET - $15.00 – 2 TICKETS 25.00

Saturday, February 20, 2016

5th Grade Writing Test

The 5th Grade Writing Test is Tuesday, Feb. 23. Make sure your 5th grade student gets plenty of rest Monday evening and eats a good breakfast on Tuesday morning!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Zimmer Messages

I will be posting messages for the students, parents, faculty, staff, and community on Zimmer Messages.  Download Zimmer Messages and join "Bridgestone Intermediate School, WHPS."  Zimmer is free, private, and anonymous. Zimmer does not require anyone to disclose their cell phone number or email address. In addition, because Zimmer values people's privacy and anonymity, it does not force anyone to disclose their identity, register or login. If you have any questions,  call 350-3421.

Monday, February 1, 2016


Parent Soccer Meeting!
Feb. 4th 6:00pm at Bridgestone
All students interested in playing intermural soccer must have a parent attend this meeting.  If you cannot attend, please contact our office at 350-3420 to set up a meeting with Ms. Morgan.
Students must be eligible (cannot have 2 office referrals) to join and to stay on the team!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Valentine's at Bridgestone

We are working very hard to keep our classes focused on learning as we prepare our students for 6th & 7th grade next year.  However, we do know that our students like to celebrate Valentine's Day.  So, this is what we will be doing at Bridgestone this year.  We will NOT be having Valentine's Day Parties at Bridgestone.  Instead, each homeroom teacher will make time for a Valentine's Exchange on Feb. 12 during homeroom time at 2:30.  Please don't send snacks, cupcakes, cookies, etc. for this time; valentines only, please.  Also, we will be having a Cupid Shuffle Dance on Feb. 12th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.  This is a fundraiser for our Reading Program.  Tickets are now on sale for $5.00 each.  Students must have less than 2 office referrals to purchase tickets and attend. If you have any questions, please contact 350-3420.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Career Fair & Feb. 1/2 Day is Feb. 3rd!

Our Career Fair is Feb. 3rd from 8:30 to 10:00am.  This is also a 1/2 day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:25.


     Early Birds is a program for parents. It is designed to help you give your child the Smart Start he/she needs and deserves.  It also gives you, the parents, the opportunity to help your child grow and develop.
     If you are expecting or if your child is five (5) or under, sign up TODAY! Classes are three (3) times/year: fall, winter, and spring.  If you have more than one child, you can attend the Tuesday class for one child and the Thursday class for the other child. When you attend, you will receive a tote bag full of games, books, and toys at NO COST!!

     Winter Classes are Feb. 23 or 25. 2016!  Sign up today to reserve your spot for this amazing opportunity for both you and your child! Registration forms will be coming home soon!
Contact Jean Adams,
Early Bird Coordinator for Western Heights at:
(405) 261-6733 or
(405) 417-1978 or