Bridgestone Intermediate School

Bridgestone Intermediate School
1700 S. Council Rd. OKC, OK 73128

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Routine Screening by School Nurses

A routine screening for head lice and nits is planned for all classrooms in the next few weeks.   We would like for you to prepare for this screening by performing head lice screenings at home before we screen at school.  If you find your child has lice or nits, proceed with treatment and nit removal at home.  If you need more information about screening, treatment, or nit removal, please contact the school office.    Please be advised that district policy has changed for the 2015-2016 school year. Children must be louse free AND nit free to attend school. Our goal is a louse-free, education-oriented environment. Thank you for assisting us in this endeavor.
The School Nurses
Angela Plasters RN
Jessica Hall LPN
Kelley King LPN